Wednesday, June 10, 2009


first of all Nero didn’t have no fucking fiddle

bird shit on my driveway –
white power

I have more pine cones
than anyone else in my village
and I produce the most gas

My fingers smell like a phone number

I’m taking as long as I can
to get to my death –
jogging, flossing, watching TV

I wish there were some other way
to do this 69

80 degrees and sunny
imagine how people are suffering
at the malls

it’s a given: the whore wants less than she is worth

my brain is a coiled-up poisonous snake
living off my flesh and
I love Jarlsberg cheese

Our public lands are not for sale!
so says the post card

before I may drool on myself
I have to card this girl

she’s pulling my leg
he’s jerking me around
they’re yanking my chain
guess what you can do with your bowl of cherries

life has no meaning -
not even this French toast
of cinnamon raison bread I made for you -
oh yeah sure that of course
but nothing else

I dreamt of Angelina Jolie last night
she was sitting on some mossed-up shingles
giving me the sign for a curve ball

I like living
a few ants always get in
my socks keep falling down
and I need servicing three X a year
but the calendars are great

as soon as I get up
my stomach starts right in:
jerk, it says, remember that woman
you saw coming out of the nursery yesterday,
you should have said what a beautiful ash you have!

she’s playing the harpsichord naked
it’s the only way I can stand it

rain makes the grass high
but it doesn’t work for me

George Crumb
this could be the start of something subatomic

with all the female chauvinist prigs around these days
it’s easy to become a sex offender

I’m on a voyage of self-deception
and my vehicle is the poem

I call my thoughts the dominos

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