Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have to piss
(because I’m a man
I piss I don’t pee not me)

I’m desperate to drain the lizard
the nearest bathroom doesn’t have a lock on it
I rush in and unzip

a woman has followed me in
she wants to watch
we get into an argument

next I’m in my own room
with the door locked
and just as I’m about to whiz

two people who have keys to my room
enter and take seats around my urinal
they’re smiling and very professional

now I’m lying on my back
and looking through dozens of stalls
in a public restroom

everything is yellow christ and stinks
one crapper’s ripped off the wall
others are squirting or occupied or worse

awake with a useless hard-on
I think of what might have happened
had I gotten to take the dream leak

and buzz for my bedpan

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