Friday, February 6, 2009

A Recess

wendy farrell
leaves her girlfriends
to offer me a piece
of her cupcake

“sure,” I say
and invite her to sit
right next to Me
on the log

to which
I have recently attached
a big wad
of used bubble gum


passing through the boulder
of my digestive system

I’m worshiping the back
of Angela O’Connor’s knees

all ten commandments
trickling out of my underarms


a bunch of us rank amateurs
were sitting around watching
the pros fuck everything up
and one whacked-out eleven-year-
old broad her bra still
in spring training says to me
I’ll flip you a Jeter for your Sosa
and after we drained our cherry
cokes and drove the owner bonkers
sucking air bubbles out of the bottoms
with our flexible straws we went at it
right there on the flooring

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